There is a worldwide policy agenda of reducing building energy consumption and carbon emissions. Zero carbon building has emerged as an advanced model of green building, and many countries have developed their zero carbon building policies. In Hong Kong building energy policies and codes have evolved during the past two decades towards increasingly stringent standards of energy performance and carbon reductions. However, there has been no policy specifically focused on building carbon reductions for Hong Kong. Also, there is no policy forum or consultation on the possible initiative of formulating a zero carbon building policy for Hong Kong and the potential benefits, opportunities, constraints and risks. This policy gap is significant given the unique regulatory, social, climatic and geographical contexts of Hong Kong. This project aims to inform The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the formulation and implementation of a possible zero carbon building policy for Hong Kong.
Pan, W. & Pan, M. (2019). Opportunities and risks of implementing zero-carbon building policy for cities: Hong Kong case. Applied Energy, 256, 113835.
Pan, W. & Pan, M. (2018). A dialectical system framework of zero carbon emission building policy for high-rise high-density cities: Perspective from Hong Kong. Journal of Cleaner Production, 205, 1-13.
Zhao, X.J., Pan, W. & Chen, L. (2018). Disentangling the relationships between business model innovation for low or zero carbon buildings and its influencing factors using structural equation modelling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 178, January 2018, 154-165.
Pan, W. & Pan, M. (2017). Policy Scenarios of Zero Carbon Building for Hong Kong: To Survive or To Lead? Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong, 5-7 June 2017, ISBN 978-988-77943-0-1, pp.555-561.
Zhao, X.J., Chen, L., Pan, W. & Lu, Q.C. (2017). An 'AHP-ANP-Fuzzy Integral' Integrated Network for Evaluating Performance of Innovative Business Models for Sustainable Building. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(8),
Zhao, X. & Pan, W. (2017). Co-productive Interrelations between Business Model and Zero Carbon Building: A Conceptual Framework. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 7(4), 353-365.
Pan, W. & Li, K. (2016). Clusters and Exemplars of Buildings towards Zero Carbon. Building and Environment, 104, 92-101.
Pan, W. & Li, K. (2015). A Cluster Analysis of ‘Zero Carbon Buildings’. Zero Carbon Building Journal, 1(3), 6-15.
Pan, W. & Ning, Y. (2014) Delivering Zero Carbon Buildings: The Status Quo and Way Forward. Zero Carbon Building Journal, 1(1), 7-14.
Pan, W., Ng, T. & Lee, J. (2014). Systems research on low or zero carbon building in the high-rise high-density urban setting of Hong Kong. Building Journal, August 2014, 44-47.
Pan, W. (2013) Zero Carbon Buildings: Contexts, Challenges and Strategies. Public Facilities A Special Supplement of Building Journal, June 2013, 76-78. Reprinted from Building Journal. January 2013, 71-73.
This project is led and coordinated by Professor Wei Pan of Department of Civil Engineering of The University of Hong Kong (HKU), with project team members from HKU, supporters from a wide range of government and industry organizations.
This project is funded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under the Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme (Project Number: 2014.A8.020.14E).