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Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Wang, Y. and Pan, W.* (2024). Assessing embodied carbon emissions from material consumption in Hong Kong’s building sector from 2012 to 2050 under uncertainty. Building and Environment, 267, 112137.

  2. Wang, Y. and Pan, W.* (2024). Multi-sectoral efforts are required for decarbonising the building sector: a case in Hong Kong. npj Urban Sustainability, 4, 43.

  3. Zhang, Y., Chen, S. and Pan, W.* (2024). Systematic initial embodied carbon assessment of concrete modular high-rise residential buildings: A case in Hong Kong. Building and Environment, 265, 111917.

  4. Wang, Y. and Pan, W.* (2024). Evaluating the carbon emissions of Hong Kong's building sector from the life cycle perspective. Building and Environment, 265, 111975.

  5. Bai, Y., Yu, C. and Pan, W.* (2024). Systematic examination of energy performance gap in low-energy buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 202, 114701.

  6. Yu, C., Pan, W.* and Bai, Y. (2024). Sensitivities of energy use reduction in subtropical high-rise office buildings: a Hong Kong case. Energy and Buildings, 311, 114117.

  7. Du, J.* and Pan, W. (2023) Behavioral energy efficiency with environment sensors: A case in Hong Kong. Energy and Buildings, 299, 113590.

  8. Pan, W. and Wang, Y.* (2023) Evaluating the embodied carbon of building materials imported to Hong Kong. Building and Environment, 245, 110901.

  9. Pan, W., Yu, C.*, Bai, Y. and Du, J. (2023) A four-level hierarchical framework for reviewing infrastructure sustainability assessment systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 187, 113764.

  10. Wang, Y. and Pan, W.* (2023) The contribution of cleaner production in the material industry to reducing embodied energy and emissions in China's building sector. Building and Environment, 242, 110555.

  11. Xu, J., Zhang, Q., Teng, Y. and Pan, W.* (2023) Integrating IoT and BIM for tracking and visualising embodied carbon of prefabricated buildings. Building and Environment, 242, 110492.

  12. Kumaraswamy, M., Hewa Welege, N. M.*, and Pan, W. (2023) Accelerating the Delivery of Low-Carbon Buildings by Addressing Common Constraints: Perspectives from High-Rise, High-Density Cities. Buildings, 13(6), 1455.

  13. Hewa Welege, N. M., Pan, W. and Kumaraswamy, M. (2023) Stakeholder collaboration to mitigate constraints to delivering low-carbon buildings: insights from high-rise high-density cities. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, ahead-of-print.

  14. Hewa Welege, N. M.*, Pan, W. & Kumaraswamy, M. (2023) Engaging Stakeholders to Overcome the Common Constraints for Delivering Low Carbon Buildings in High-Rise High-Density Cities. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149(1), 04022157.

  15. Yu, C. and Pan, W. (2023) Inter-building effect on building energy consumption in high-density city contexts. Energy and Buildings, 278, 112632.

  16. Chen, S., Teng, Y., Zhang Y., Leung, C.K.Y. & Pan, W.*. (2023) Reducing embodied carbon in concrete materials: A state-of-the-art review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 188, 106653.

  17. Hewa Welege, N. M.*, Pan, W. & Kumaraswamy, M. (2022) Constraints to low-carbon building: Perspectives from high-rise high-density cities. Energy and Buildings, 275, 112497.

  18. Xu, J., Teng Y., Pan W. & Zhang Y. (2022) BIM-integrated LCA to automate embodied carbon assessment of prefabricated buildings. Journal of Cleaner Production, 374, 133894.

  19. Du, J. and Pan, W. (2022) Gender differences in reasoning energy-saving behaviors of university students. Energy and Buildings, 112458.

  20. Du, J. and Pan, W. (2022) Cooling-related energy uses and adaptive behaviors in high-rise residential buildings in the subtropical climate: a case study in Hong Kong. Building and Environment, 223, 109456.

  21. Pan, W., Yu, C. & Du, J. (2022) A dialectical system framework for green building assessment in high-density cities. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 97, 106860.

  22. Pan, W. (2022) Editorial: Innovative methodology for measuring and predicting engineering sustainability. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering Sustainability, 175(3), 111-112.

  23. Teng, Y., Xu, J., Pan, W. & Zhang, Y. (2022) A Systematic Review of the Integration of Building Information Modeling into Life Cycle Assessment. Building and Environment, 221, 109260.

  24. Yu, C., Du, J. & Pan, W. (2022) Impact of Window and Air-conditioner Operation Behaviour on Cooling Load in High-rise Residential Buildings. Building Simulation, 1-21.

  25. Du, J. & Pan, W. (2021) Evaluating energy saving behavioral interventions through the lens of social practice theory: A case study in Hong Kong. Energy and Buildings, 251, 111353.

  26. Pan, W. & Pan, M. (2021) Drivers, barriers and strategies for zero carbon buildings in high-rise high-density cities. Energy and Buildings, 242, 110970.

  27. Hewa Welege, N. M., Pan, W. & Kumaraswamy, M. (2021) Social network analysis applications in sustainable construction and built environment management: a review. Built Environment Project and Asset Management,11(4), 511-528.

  28. Du, J., & Pan, W. (2021) Diverse occupant behaviors and energy conservation opportunities for university student residences in Hong Kong. Building and Environment, 195, 107730.

  29. Du, J., & Pan, W. (2021) Examining energy saving behaviors in student dormitories using an expanded theory of planned behavior. Habitat International, 107, 102308.

  30. Pan, W., & Teng, Y. (2021). A systematic investigation into the methodological variables of embodied carbon assessment of buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141, 110840.

  31. Du, J., Yu, C. & Pan, W. (2020). Multiple influencing factors analysis of household energy consumption in high-rise residential buildings: Evidence from Hong Kong. Building Simulation

  32. Du, J., Pan, W. & Yu, C. (2020). In-situ monitoring of occupant behavior in residential buildings‒a timely review. Energy and Buildings, 212, 109811.

  33. Pan, W. & Pan, M. (2020). A ‘demand-supply-regulation-institution’ stakeholder partnership model of delivering zero carbon buildings. Sustainable Cities and Society, 62, 102359.

  34. Pan, M. & Pan, W. (2020). Knowledge, attitude and practice towards zero carbon buildings: Hong Kong case. Journal of Cleaner Production, 274, 122819.

  35. Wang, J., Yu, C. and Pan, W. (2020). Relationship between Operational Energy and Cost Performance of High-rise Office Buildings from Life Cycle Perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121300.

  36. Teng, Y. & Pan, W. (2020). Estimating and minimizing embodied carbon of prefabricated high-rise residential buildings considering parameter, scenario and model uncertainties. Building and Environment, 106951.

  37. Qin, H. & Pan, W. (2020). Energy use of subtropical high-rise public residential buildings and impacts of energy saving measures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 254, 120041.

  38. Pan, W. & Pan, M. (2019). Opportunities and risks of implementing zero-carbon building policy for cities: Hong Kong case. Applied Energy, 256, 113835.

  39. Teng, Y. & Pan, W. (2019). Systematic embodied carbon assessment and reduction of prefabricated high-rise public residential buildings in Hong Kong. Journal of Cleaner Production, 238, 117791.

  40. Yu, C., Du, J. & Pan, W. (2019). Improving accuracy in building energy simulation via evaluating occupant behaviors: A case study in Hong Kong. Energy and Buildings, 202, 109373.

  41. Pan, W., Li, K. & Teng, Y. (2018). Rethinking the System Boundaries of Life Cycle Carbon Assessment of Buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 90, July 2018, 379-390.

  42. Pan, W., Li, K. & Teng, Y. (2018). Life-cycle carbon assessment of prefabricated buildings: challenges and solutions. Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability (Vol. 172, No. 1, pp. 3-8).

  43. Pan, W. & Pan, M. (2018). A dialectical system framework of zero carbon emission building policy for high-rise high-density cities: Perspective from Hong Kong. Journal of Cleaner Production, 205, 1-13.

  44. Teng, Y., Li, K., Pan, W. & Ng, T. (2018). Reducing Buildings’ Life Cycle Carbon Emissions through Prefabrication: Evidence from and Gaps in Empirical Studies. Building and Environment, 132 (15 March), 125-136.

  45. Wang, J. & Pan, W. (2018). Influencing parameters of the life cycle cost-energy relationship of buildings. Journal of Green Building, 13(4), 103-121.

  46. Wang, J., Yu, C. & Pan, W. (2018). Life cycle energy of high-rise office buildings in Hong Kong. Energy and Buildings, 167, 152-164.

  47. Zhao, X.J., Pan, W. & Chen, L. (2018). Disentangling the relationships between business model innovation for low or zero carbon buildings and its influencing factors using structural equation modelling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 178, January 2018, 154-165.

  48. Zhao, X.J., Chen, L., Pan, W. & Lu, Q.C. (2017). An 'AHP-ANP-Fuzzy Integral' Integrated Network for Evaluating Performance of Innovative Business Models for Sustainable Building. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(8),

  49. Zhao, X. & Pan, W. (2017). Co-productive Interrelations between Business Model and Zero Carbon Building: A Conceptual Framework. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 7(4), 353-365.

  50. Pan, W., Qin, H. & Zhao, Y. (2017). Challenges for energy and carbon modeling of high-rise buildings: The case of public housing in Hong Kong. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 123, 208-218.

  51. Chen, L. & Pan, W. (2016). BIM-aided Variable Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making of Low-carbon Building Measures Selection. Sustainable Cities and Society, 27, 222-232.

  52. Ju, C., Ning, Y. and Pan, W. (2016) A review of interdependence of sustainable building. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 56(1), 120-127.

  53. Niu, S., Pan, W. & Zhao, Y. (2016). A virtual reality integrated design approach to improving occupancy information integrity for closing the building energy performance gap. Sustainable Cities and Society, 27, 275-286.

  54. Pan, W. & Li, K. (2016). Clusters and Exemplars of Buildings towards Zero Carbon. Building and Environment, 104, 92-101.

  55. Tian, W., Yang, S., Li, Z., Wei, S., Pan, W. and Liu, Y. (2016) Identifying Informative Energy Data in Bayesian Calibration of Building Energy Models. Energy and Buildings.

  56. Zhao, X., Pan, W. & Lu, W. (2016). Business model innovation for delivering zero carbon buildings. Sustainable Cities and Society, 27, 253-262.

  57. Pan, W. and Ning, Y. (2015) The Dialectics of Sustainable Building. Habitat International, 48 (August), 55-64.

  58. Heffernan, E., Pan, W., Liang, X. & de Wilde, P. (2015). Zero carbon homes: Perceptions from the UK construction industry. Energy Policy, 79, 23-36.

  59. Pan, W. & Ning, Y. (2015). A Socio-technical Framework of Zero Carbon Building Policies. Building Research and Information, 43(1), 94-110.

  60. Pan, W. (2014). System Boundaries of Zero Carbon Buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 37, 424-434.

  61. Pan, W. (2014). Delivering Buildings and Infrastructure towards Zero Carbon. ICE Journal Infrastructure Asset Management, 1(3), 60-65.

  62. Pan, W. & Ning, Y. (2014). Dialectics of sustainable building: Evidence from empirical studies 1987–2013. Building and Environment, 82, 666-674.

  63. Zhang, S., Pan, W. & Kumaraswamy, M. (2014). A multi-criteria decision framework for the selection of low carbon building measures for office buildings in Hong Kong. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 8 (4), 456-476.

  64. Garmston, H. & Pan, W. (2013). Non-compliance with building energy regulations: The profile, issues, and implications on practice and policy in England and Wales. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 1(4), 340-351.

  65. Pan, W. & Garmston, H. (2012). Compliance with Building Energy Regulations for New-Build Dwellings. Energy, 48(1), 11-22.

  66. Pan, W. & Garmston, H. (2012). Building Regulations in Energy Efficiency: Compliance in England and Wales. Energy Policy, 45(6), 594-605.

  67. Pan, W. & Cooper, M. (2011). Decision criteria for selecting air source heat pump technology for UK low carbon housing. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 23(6), 623-637.

  68. Pan, W. (2010). Relationships between air-tightness and its influencing factors of UK post-2006 new-build dwellings. Building and Environment, 45(11), 2387-99.

  69. Pan, W. & Allison, J. (2010). Exploring Project and Problem Based Learning in Environmental Building Education by integrating critical thinking. International Journal of Engineering Education, 26(3), 547-553.

Professional Journal Articles

  1. Pan, W. & Pan, M. (2017) Partnering for a Zero Carbon Future. Building Journal, December, 2017.

  2. Liang, X., Pan, W., Jiang, M., Guo, Y., Lyu, J., Li, J. & Chen, X. (2017). Assessing the Value of Commercial Building Low-carbon Retrofit in Edinburgh City in Scotland. Zero Carbon Building Journal, 5, 6-16.

  3. Pan, W., Lin, P. & Lee, J. (2015) Zero Carbon Partnership in Hong Kong. Building Journal, December 2015, p.29. ISSN 1022-5560.

  4. Pan, W. & Li, K. (2015). A Cluster Analysis of ‘Zero Carbon Buildings’. Zero Carbon Building Journal, 1(3), 6-15.

  5. Pan, W., Li, G. & Lin, P. (2015) Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership: A Public and Stakeholder Engagement Initiative for Building towards Zero Carbon. Building Journal, February 2015, 30-33. ISSN 1022-5560.

  6. Pan, W. & Ning, Y. (2014) Delivering Zero Carbon Buildings: The Status Quo and Way Forward. Zero Carbon Building Journal, 1(1), 7-14.

  7. Pan, W., Ng, T. & Lee, J. (2014). Systems research on low or zero carbon building in the high-rise high-density urban setting of Hong Kong. Building Journal, August 2014, 44-47.

  8. Pan, W. (2013) Zero Carbon Buildings: Contexts, Challenges and Strategies. Public Facilities A Special Supplement of Building Journal, June 2013, 76-78. Reprinted from Building Journal. January 2013, 71-73 

Peer-reviewed Conference-based Articles

  1. Du, J. and W. Pan (2019). Impact of Window Operation Behaviours on Cooling Load of High-rise Residential Buildings in Hong Kong, in Building Simulation. 2019: Rome.

  2. Du, J., Yu, C., Pan, W., (2018). Understanding Energy Related Occupant Behavior in High-rise Residential Buildings in Hong Kong. The 4th Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association - ASim2018.

  3. Teng, Y. & Pan, W., (2018). A framework for BIM-enabled embodied carbon assessment of prefabricated buildings. International Conference on Construction Futures (ICCF) 2018, Wolverhampton, UK, 19-20 December 2018.

  4. Pan, W., Li, K.J. & Teng, Y. (2017) Life Cycle Carbon Assessment of Prefabricated Buildings: Challenges, Fundamentals and Solutions. Proceedings of RISUD Annual International Symposium 2017 – New Frontiers in Urban Development, Hong Kong, 24-25 August 2017 (abstract only).

  5. Teng, Y., Pan, W., & Li, K. (2018). Comparing life cycle assessment databases for estimating carbon emissions of prefabricated buildings. Construction Research Congress (CRC) 2018, New Orleans, US, 2-5 April 2018. ASCE.

  6. Pan, W., Teng, Y., Li, K., & Yu, C. (2018). Implications of prefabrication for the life cycle carbon emissions of high-rise buildings in high-density urban environment. Construction Research Congress (CRC) 2018, New Orleans, US, 2-5 April 2018. ASCE.

  7. Pan, W. (2017) System Dialectics of Low or Zero Carbon Building. In Proceedings of 22nd CRIOCM International Conference on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 November 2017. (Invited Keynote Presentation).

  8. Pan, W., Li, K.J. & Teng, Y. (2017) Life Cycle Carbon Assessment of Prefabricated Buildings: Challenges, Fundamentals and Solutions. Proceedings of RISUD Annual International Symposium 2017 – New Frontiers in Urban Development, Hong Kong, 24-25 August 2017 (abstract only).

  9. Wang, J. & Pan, W. (2017) The Life Cycle Cost-Energy Relationship of Buildings. Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong, 5-7 June 2017, ISBN 978-988-77943-0-1, pp.914-919.

  10. Teng, Y. & Pan, W. (2017) Building Life Cycle Carbon Emissions: A Review. Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong, 5-7 June 2017, ISBN 978-988-77943-0-1, pp.1095-1101.

  11. Yu, C. & Pan, W. (2017) Potentials of Energy Efficiency and Generation Strategies for High-rise Office Buildings in Hong Kong. Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong, 5-7 June 2017, ISBN 978-988-77943-0-1, pp.874-879.

  12. Pan, W. & Pan, M. (2017) Policy Scenarios of Zero Carbon Building for Hong Kong: To Survive or To Lead? Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong, 5-7 June 2017, ISBN 978-988-77943-0-1, pp.555-561.

  13. Pan, W. & Yu,C. (2017) Paradoxical Feasibility of High-rise Zero Carbon Buildings. Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong, 5-7 June 2017, ISBN 978-988-77943-0-1, pp.1831-1836.

  14. Yu, C., Pan, W., Zhao, Y. & Li, Y. (2015) Challenges for Modeling Energy Use in High-rise Office Buildings in Hong Kong. Procedia Engineering, 121, 513-520., SCI

  15. Niu, S., Pan, W. & Zhao, Y. (2015) A BIM-GIS integrated web-based visualization system for low energy building design. Procedia Engineering, 121, 2184-2192., SCI.

  16. Zhao, Y., Pan, W. & Ning Y. (2015) Challenges for modeling carbon emissions of high-rise public residential buildings in Hong Kong. Procedia Engineering, 118, 614-621., SCI.

  17. Niu, S., Pan, W. & Zhao, Y. (2015) A virtual reality supported approach to occupancy engagement in building energy design for closing the energy performance gap. Procedia Engineering, 118, 573-580., SCI.

  18. Zhao, X. & Pan, W. (2015) Delivering zero carbon buildings: the role of innovative business models. Procedia Engineering, 118, 404-411. SCI.

  19. Chen, L. & Pan, W. (2015) BIM-integrated fuzzy multi-criteria optimization for decision making for low-carbon buildings in Hong Kong. Procedia Engineering, 118, 606-613., SCI.

  20. Sang, X., Pan, W. & Kumaraswamy, M. (2014) Informing Energy-efficient Building Envelope Design Decisions for Hong Kong. Energy Procedia, 62, 123-131., SCI.

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